Project Summary: The Texas Tech University System seeks to commission a professional artist(s) to create site-specific exterior sculpture(s) to be placed outside of the Rawls College of Business building addition, which will add a three-story structure on the northwest corner of the existing facility. The addition will contain faculty/staff offices, graduate and undergraduate classrooms, and professional education spaces.

This is a high-traffic area of campus; ideal submissions should be vertical and easily seen from intersecting roads that pass by the area. Submitting artists should consider lighting and other elements that will draw attention to the sculpture at various times throughout the day. The Rawls College is particularly interested in sculpture related to technological innovation for this project, but the sculpture may also include concepts related to applied science in business, marketing, technology, driving productivity, increased efficiency and standard of living, and process innovation. Artists should represent these concepts without being too literal. Finalists will develop a design concept that reflects the standards and culture of Texas Tech specific to the Rawls College of Business Addition. They will prepare presentation materials, drawings, a model, and related specifications in sufficient detail and in the format required to convey the design intent.

Location: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

Budget: $142,000

Deadline: May 19, 2015, 3 p.m. (Central)


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