THE WHAT? A major art show featuring artists working within a 250-mile radius of Richmond, VA.   Why that area?  Because it takes in some of the Mid-Atlantic and some of the Southeast, and juror Francis Thompson knows there are a lot of good artists out there, and he wants to find out who you are.

THE WHO? Fine artists ages 18 and above, working in two or three dimensions, or in digital and video mediums. The only limitation is that they must work (create) within a 250-mile radius of Richmond. This includes Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Charlotte, Washington DC, Baltimore, and everywhere in between. If you aren’t sure if you fall within the target area, check the map on this page to find out.

THE WHEN? The show will run Friday, May 26 through Sunday, June 18, 2017.  Deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM Monday, April 17, 2017.

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Illustration by Alex Fine

Due to a large number of applications, we have decided to extend our deadline to April 17th.
Artists for Truth Benefit Exhibition Call for Entries: EXTENDED
We are Artists for Truth. We believe that the ability to discover, share, and weigh facts is a right and a responsibility afforded to everyone within our democracy. 
In a political and media climate that disregards reality, we fight to enable citizens with the skills and tools to effectively develop a civil society based on truth. Join us!

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